Hey there! I'm excited to share the cover of my upcoming album with you, as well as some info about my inspiration for it.
I came up with the phrase These Octagonal Eyes as a way to describe the angular way I look at life. I've always been a bit of an observationalist, and sometimes I analyze (and over-analyze) things. Many of the songs on this record reflect my tendencies to draw metaphors and think about life from different perspectives.
Once I had the idea for the record title, I knew I wanted it translated into a logo for the cover:
[Original concept sketches.]
I commissioned my friend Natasha Prather (check out her instagram here) to help me turn this vision into a reality. With her stellar guidance and dedication, I'm beyond stoked to reveal the official cover art for These Octagonal Eyes:
[Official cover art, These Octagonal Eyes.]
Stay tuned for more updates! I will be adding some special treats to the site soon. Talk later,