'The Moon', the lead single for Pont Neuf, is launching JUNE 2ND, just in time for the Strawberry Full Moon!
Please use this link to pre-save the single to your library and share it with all your friends!! I'm trying to get as much attention on it as possible and I could use your help! If you can spread the word with fans of OK Human and other chamber pop, I'd really appreciate it! This song (and record) is a labor of love. I hope it shines through on these recordings.
Health Update (release timeline affected)
What do you mean, health update? Alright, I'll explain: in late March I developed a femoral hernia. I'm currently waiting on surgery in mid-May. In the meantime, I've been limping, hobbling, and waddling around. I've still been hard at work on the album, but I am somewhat slowed down by this situation. Because of this, I'm currently 2 months behind schedule. The new release target for the album for streaming/digital is now August.
As for vinyl, I plan on utilizing Mobineko's express service, allowing for a full press (not lathe cut) version of the album in ~3 months. Best case scenario is the album being ready for distro in July and vinyl arriving in October. Additionally, I may have an external mastering engineer create a vinyl master to ensure the best quality, and this may add a few weeks to the timeline. Realistically, I hope to have the vinyl in my hands and ready to ship in time for the holidays in December.
This also has impacted merch, as I am physically unable to press shirts until I've recovered from surgery. I am re-assessing my plan to screenprint myself in order to expedite the production of the Pont Neuf shirts and Phases Are Shifting sweatshirts. I have some alternative plans and I will send out a new update when this is addressed. The initial target for merch was May; I'm aiming for June and not settling for anything later than July.
Thank you all for your interest, your support, and your patience. I love you all, and I can't wait to share these songs with you. We won't be waiting much longer.